
Prayer Request for Ty, Rachel & Avonlea

email from Deb Ellis:

"I just got off the phone with my brother Mike. Rachel went into labor on Friday night and delivered on Sat morning. She had been very health conscious through her pregnancy, eatting healthy and running to stay fit and in shape. She also wanted to have a natural childbirth. During her labor, on Sat morning, the baby pooped and got myconium in her lungs and the heartbeat slowed down. The doctor told her she would either need a c-section or the baby would need to be suctioned. She didn't want to have a c-section, so the dr suctioned her out. She was born at 10:30 am. The baby started having seizures and they ended up air lifting her to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis at about 9:30 pm. Of course, Rachel stayed in Anderson, which was very difficult for her, being away from the baby. She was released early on Sun morning to go be with the baby. The Bonewitz sisters and Mike and Nancy and Marilyn and Dwain were all there at Riley as well. The baby is still at Riley. The lungs were cleared of the myconium. Mike thought everything was ok when he left on Sun night. But the seizures continued. The doctors think that there was brain damage caused by the vacume when they suctioned her out. There was a tear in the tissues between the 2 parts of the brain. She has gone through all kinds of testing and has all kinds of wires hooked up to her. She is going to have another test on Wed; they are trying to figure out what kind of medication to put her on and get the right doseage. As soon as they determine that, Rachel will be able to take her home. He thought possibly by the weekend. Rachel's prayer request is that she will not have to take her home with all the machines and wires. This has been very traumatic for Rachel. She was told by a friend that her running during pregnancy may have caused the brain damage. Pray that Rachel will not allow the enemy to torment her with those lies.

Mike said that the drs at Riley are saying this case will have to go before a review board, because there is a possibility that there was malpractice involved. Of course, this is very disturbing to Ty and Rachel.
I just imagine the Bonewitz sisters and their spouses along with Mike and Nancy all standing in that lobby praying for that baby and I just believe the gates of hell were shaken. God is victorious in this battle and He will be glorified. Please pray for Avonlea Layne that God totally retores her and she will be whole. Pray for God's peace on Ty and Rachel - that they will grow stronger as a result of this trial. Another thing that happened in all of this is Ty's mom, who is bi-polar had an outbreak last week and is in the hospital. She doesn't even know about the baby and she was going to stay with Rachel and help her with the baby after the delivery. Marilyn has taken off work indefinitely to stay with Rachel as long as she needs her.
I asked Mike what we could do for them. He said 'Don't call them!' They have been swamped with phone calls and they just need to have time to think and sort things out on their own. He said the best thing you can do is PRAY! Send cards of support. I asked about the financial end (he didn't volunteer this information) He did tell me that there is going to be a financial need as well. They do have health ins, but there are going to be costs involved that will not be covered. Pray about whether God is leading you to help out in that area.
Wow! This is a long e-mail.
Avonlea weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and was 19 1/2 " long. She was born at 10:30 am Sat 4/21/07."

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