
Jon & Grace update

Hello Bonewitz Clan! Thanks so much for putting this blog page together Kim-great idea. Jon and I are expecting our first child June 17. My pregnancy has been enjoyable so far, so I'm hoping the final 10 weeks goes just as good. Rachel is due with her first baby April 17, so all the Bonewitz girls will have little ones now! I hope to make it to the summer reunion, but so much depends on when Little Hunsberger decides to be born. Have a Happy Snowy Easter everyone!


Kimberly Bestul said...

It's about time that you and Rachel get crackin' on this baby thing. MOST of us are ALREADY finished having babies. I thought we all ENJOYED being near the same age.



Monica Boyer said...

I am so happy for you Grace!!! Kim said it all for me!! 4... we are DONE!! WOO HOO!! You will be a wonderful mom! I hope we can see you soon! Kim... can you explain how to post pictures? I think that would be awesome!