

Hi everyone! We just wanted to introduce you all to our newest addition, Adelaide Elizabeth Elden, born 7-17-07 at 6:48pm. She weighed in at 9 pounds 1 ounce, and was 22 inches long. She's absolutely beautiful (in my humble opinion) & is doing just great! Can't wait for everyone to meet her. :)


Kimberly Bestul said...

what a beautiful little girl. Congrats!! Enjoy your parenting. Make sure to give God all the glory and lean on Him in rough times. There can be many in these early weeks of parenting. =P

Liz said...

Thanks, Kimmy!

I know what you mean about leaning on God in these first few weeks--it's been really challenging at times but we're making progess, PTL, and I know it's b/c of Him. Christian and I are getting pretty good at pretending to know what we're doing (thanks in large part to Mom as well)! (o:

Thanks again for the "Congrats!"


Anonymous said...

How much does she weigh now?

Liz said...

Hey Cherie-

I never check this site, so I didn't see your comment till just now...
Addie weighs probably around 15-16lbs now. I haven't had her weighed in a couple months, though, so I could be off.