
Kassidy Bestul's Pre-School Graduation (5/23/08)

Coming up....

Bonewitz Ladies Tea
When: June 29, 2008 2:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Where: Kristi's house on Chapman Lake
Topic: "Building Healthy Relationships"
RSVP Deb or Kristi before June 21, 2008

The 1st Bonewitz Ladies Retreat was a great success!

An elegant feast....

The Skittles Team

The Snickers Team

The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Team

Kimmi, Lindsey & Jodi displaying their Heart Spa gifts...

Ellis Sisters

Grandma Boney with the Ellis Grandkids

2007 Bonewitz Family Reunion

Ken and Nan

Best Cousins - Kassidy & Kaci

Nana in a moment of glory!

The water slide was a big hit with the kids at the Bonewiz Reunion 07

The Bonewitz Brothers

Bonewitz Reunion 07